What Are The Spearfishing Rules In NSW
Spearfishing is a growing sport and recreation in Australia. NSW has a multitude of awesome spearfishing locations to choose from. Spearfishing has been around since man was able to carve out a point on a stick. Things have changed a little since the first spearfisherman landed a fish. There are elastic operated spearguns that can develop an enormous amount of energy. Or, you can opt for a compressed gas pneumatic powered speargun.
In NSW spearfishers must pay a NSW recreational fishing fee.
It must be noted that all inland waters are closed to spearfishing.
The same rules and regulations regarding bag and size limits apply to spearfishers, including the following:
What apparatus is permitted when spearfishing?
- You may use a snorkel when taking fish
- SCUBA (for scallops and sea urchins only)
- Bare/gloved hand only to take lobsters
What apparatus is banned when spearfishing?
- Hookah apparatus
- A light with a spear/spear-gun
- Spear/speargun to take blue, brown or red groper or any protected fish
- Powerheads and explosive devices
- Spearfishing on ocean beaches (except the last 20 m at each end of the beach)
- Many entrances, coastal lagoons and other tidal waters are closed to spearfishing.
Spearfishing from your boat
It is common for spearfishermen to catch fish from their boat. Kingfish are a popular target. Fish aggregate devices or FADS are popular for spearfisherman and line fishermen as fish seem to gather near them. FADS are located in multiple spots along the NSW coast. The Department of Primary Industries has a FAD location map.