Southern Bluefin Tuna
ANIMAL SPECIES: Southern Bluefin Tuna, Thunnus maccoyii(Castelnau, 1872)
The Southern Bluefin Tuna is a fast-swimming pelagic species that occurs circum-globally in southern temperate waters.
Standard Common Name
Southern Bluefin Tuna
Alternative Name/s
Bluefin, Japanese Central Pacific Bluefin Tuna, SBT, Southern Tuna, Southern Tunny
The species has relatively short pectoral fins and lacks distinctive body patterning.
Size range
2.25 m (fork length)
The map below shows the Australian distribution of the species based on public sightings and specimens in Australian Museums. Click on the map for detailed information. Source: Atlas of Living Australia.
Distribution by collection data
Ozcam map of Southern Bluefin specimens in the Australian Museum.
Conservation Status
See Further Reading, below.
Further Reading
- Australian endangered species: Southern Bluefin Tuna. 2013. Australian endangered species: Southern Bluefin Tuna. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 13 May 2013].