Mahi Mahi Sports Fishing Cronulla

When the Mahi Mahi are on they are on like Donkey Kong !!
This season is proving to be no different with great scores of Mali getting taken from the fads and other floating objects off shore.

The stunning colourful Mahi Mahi ( sometimes known as Dolfin Fish ) are one if the regret species for anglers all over the globe, preferring warmer temperates these are our SUMMER Fish.
This season is by far one of the best seasons for a long time, we scored hundreds of these fish almost overtime we went out and got some crackers at that.
Check out the pictures of some of the fish we caught of Face book over the season, still a long time to go this year.
Marlin and Mahi off Sydney almost go hand in hand and its also been a great Marlin season.
Bring on the tropical weather for us fishing charter people please…
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Cronulla Charters 0455445566
Premium Service fishing charter