Bull Shark Fishing Seasons Sydney
The best time of the year to catch Bull Shark fish in Sydney is from November through to April. The large male and females bull sharks migrate down form Queensland to hunt and feed.

Fish Details
- Size: Up to 230 kilograms Up to 3.5 metres
- Food Rating: Good
- Territory: Saltwater and freshwater. Ocean and rivers.

About Bull Sharks
The scientific name for the Bull Shark is Carcharhinus leucas. The bull shark in Africa is called the Zambezi shark, and in Nicaragua they call it the Lake Nicaragua shark. The bull shark is a requiem shark and is part of one of the largest shark families. You will find bull sharks all over the planet in shallow waters in rivers and along coastlines.
How to identify a Bull Shark Fish
- Black markings on underside of pectoral fins
- Light to dark grey on the upper body surface and pale underneath
- Relatively large eyes
- Broad and slightly curved dorsal fin at the top
- Anal fin notch froms a 90 degree notch
- The first dorsal fin is three times higher than the second dorsal fin
Where to Find Bull Sharks
The bull shark is one of the most feared and dangerous ocean and river fish. They are one of the few sharks that can exist in saltwater and freshwater. The bull shark is an opportunist fish and will have a wide range of food in its diet. Bull sharks will eat other sharks as well as turtles, dolphins, whales, birds, cattle and dogs and cats. Bull sharks have been found in oceans, rivers and lakes. In Illonois, USA a bull shark was captured 4000 kilometres up the Mississippi River. Bull sharks are found along coasts and migrate in winter months to warmer waters. The large adult bull shark has very few enemies. However juvenile bull sharks are prey to tiger sharks and mature bull sharks. Having a high level of testosterone makes the bull shark a very aggressive fish.
How to catch a Bull Shark
Bull Sharks are a large and powerful species of shark that are widely sought after by sport fishers. However, it is important to be aware that bull sharks are also known to be aggressive and potentially dangerous to humans. Here are the steps to catch a bull shark:
- Choose the right equipment: Bull Sharks are large and powerful fish that can put up a strong fight, so it's important to use appropriate fishing gear. A heavy-duty fishing rod and reel, with a fast action and good line capacity, is ideal for catching bull sharks.
- Identify the right location: Bull sharks are found in warm, shallow waters along coastlines, near river mouths, and in estuaries. They are also known to venture into freshwater rivers and lakes.
- Select the right bait: Bull sharks feed on a variety of prey, including fish, squid, and crustaceans. Live or dead baitfish, as well as large cut baits, can be effective.
- Cast your line: Cast your line into the water, making sure to reach the desired depth.
- Watch for bites: Pay attention to your line for any signs of a bite, such as a sudden pull or a change in the line's tension.
- Set the hook: When you feel a bite, quickly and firmly set the hook by pulling the rod back.
- Fight the shark: Be prepared for a strong and energetic fight, as bull sharks are powerful swimmers. Keep the rod tip up and reel in the line steadily and quickly.
- Release the shark: If you're not planning to keep the shark for eating, gently remove the hook and release the shark back into the water.
It's important to follow fishing regulations and to always practice catch and release to ensure the health and sustainability of shark populations. Additionally, be aware of the potential dangers associated with shark fishing, and take the necessary precautions, such as using a shark-proof fishing cage or harness, to ensure your safety.
What bait do i use to catch Bull Sharks?
Bull Sharks feed on a variety of prey, including fish, squid, and crustaceans. Here are some popular baits used to catch bull sharks:
- Live baitfish: Live baitfish, such as mullet, mackerel, or herring, can be very effective for catching bull sharks. These baits are fished near the surface or at a desired depth, simulating a school of injured or fleeing prey.
- Dead baitfish: Dead baitfish, such as mullet, mackerel, or herring, can also be effective for catching bull sharks. These baits are fished near the surface or at a desired depth, imitating injured or dead prey.
- Squid: Squid is another popular bait for catching bull sharks. Fresh or frozen squid can be rigged on the hook and fished near the surface or at a desired depth.
- Cut bait: Large cut baits, such as tuna or mackerel, can also be effective for catching bull sharks. These baits are fished near the bottom, imitating a large, injured or dead prey.
It's important to experiment with different baits and techniques to determine what works best, as bull sharks can be fussy feeders and their preferences can change depending on the time of year and water conditions. Additionally, be aware of the potential dangers associated with shark fishing, and take the necessary precautions, such as using a shark-proof fishing cage or harness, to ensure your safety.
Bull Shark - National Geographic
On all our fishing and deep-sea fishing charters in Sydney, all you need to bring are the right clothes depending on the weather conditions. We will supply everything else including bait, fishing rods and reels and fishing licence. At the end of our fishing trip, you get to keep what you catch. We have 3 purpose build fishing vessels that have all the facilities and amenities you require. We run afternoon and morning deep-sea fishing charters run all year.