Best fishing in February Cronulla Sydney

Best Fish To Catch in February In Sydney

What are the best fish to catch in February?

As Sydney summer peaks so do the waters continue to get warmer and the days longer. This climate and longer daylight hours are what bring anglers onto the ocean. One of the best fish to catch in Cronulla, Sydney is the Blue Marlin as it prefers the warmer waters of summer. Also, the Black Marlin and Blue marlin are on offer for anglers.

Blue Marlin

Fishin in February in Sydney There is no shortage of fish to target in the water of Sydney and Cronulla in the summer month of February. The increase in daylight also brings out more fishermen. The water temperature is currently 24.5°C  or if you prefer the imperial measurement it is 76.1°F. February will see the water temperature rise to its peak.


The Blue Marlin is a highly sought after fish by anglers.  Marlin is fast, strong and fighters.  They are considered very good eating.  Marlin are found offshore and can weigh between 90 - 180 kilograms.

What fish are available in February?

Bonito, Blue Marlin, Bonito, Bull Shark, Hapuka, Mahi Mahi, Perch, Tailor and Yellowfin Amberjack.  The habitat of these fish ranges from estuaries, inshore, over reefs and offshore in the deep ocean to a depth of 800 metres.  One of the most targeted and prized eating fish is the Hapuka. The Hapuka can be found in water depths from 30 metres to 800 metres. They can weigh up to 70 kilograms and grow to a length of 1.8 metres. If you want to stay close to shore near estuaries then Tailor is a suggested target. This is a good-eating fish that grows to 120cm and weighs up to 14 kilograms.

Bass fishing Cronulla Sydney
20 - 30 cm
Up to 1 kilogram
Primarily freshwater

More Information Bass

Blue Marlin
Blue Marling fishing Cronulla Sydney
Up to 4 metres
Between 90 - 180 kilograms
Offshore in waters over 100 metres deep

More Information Blue Marlin

Bonito fishing Cronulla Sydney
70 cm
Up to 7 kilograms
Inshore pelagic fish

More Information Bonito

Bull Shark
Bull shark fishing Cronulla Sydney
3.5 metres
Up to 230 kilograms
Saltwater and freshwater. Ocean and rivers.

More Information Bull Shark

Hapuka fishing charter Sydney
180 cm
Up to 70 kilograms
Offshore pelagic fish 30 metres to 800 metres

More Information Hapuka

Mahi Mahi
Mahi mahi fishing charter Sydney
90 - 140 cm
7 - 14 kilograms
Offshore pelagic fish

More Information Mahi Mahi

Perch Longfin
Longfin Perch fishing Cronulla Sydney
50 cm - 160 cm
Up to 23 kilograms
Inshore near reefs from depths 20 - 50 metres

More Information Perch Longfin

Flathead fishing charter Sydney
120 cm
Up to 43 kilograms
Inshore waters and estuaries

Yellowtail Amberjack

1 - 2 metres
5 - 10 kilograms
Inshore, offshore, reef and jetty or pier

More Information Yellowtail Amberjack