Bass Fishing Seasons Sydney

The best months for Bass fishing in Sydney are from November through to April. May and October are considered good months to fish for Bass.

Bass is a great sports fish on light gear !!!

Bass fishing seasons Cronulla Sydney

Fish Details....

  • Size: 20 - 30 cm in length
  • Weight: Up to 1 kg
  • Food Rating: Average to Good
  • Territory: Primarily freshwater
Australian bass fishing Cronulla NSW

About Bass Fish

The scientific name for the Bass is Macquaria novemaculeata.

How to identify a Bass Fish

  • Tapered snout with large eyes on the side of the head
  • The lower jaw juts out further than the upper jaw
  • Dark olive-green on the back and upper body
  • Lighter colour on the sides
  • The fins are greyish to colourless, and translucent.

Where to Find Bass

The Bass is part of the Percichthyidae family. Bass are found  quite deep in dams, lakes, and estuaries – often as deep as 30 meters (100 ft) below the surface, over the summer months they become very active during dawn and dusk, making them a lot of fun to chase through the warmer part of the year.

How to catch a Bass fish

Catching a bass fish requires patience, the right equipment, and an understanding of the fish's behaviour and habitat. Here are the steps to catch bass:

  1. Choose the right equipment: Select a fishing rod, reel, line, and bait that is appropriate for the size and species of bass you're targeting.
  2. Identify the right location: Bass typically live in calm, shady areas near structures such as rocks, logs, or weed beds. Look for areas where there is plenty of food for the fish to feed on.
  3. Select the right bait: Different species of bass may prefer different baits, but common options include worms, crayfish, minnows, and artificial lures. Experiment with different baits to determine which is most effective.
  4. Cast your line: Cast your line into the water, aiming for areas where the bass is likely to be feeding. Let your bait settle to the bottom, then slowly retrieve it.
  5. Watch for bites: Pay attention to your line for any signs of a bite, such as a sudden pull or a change in the line's tension.
  6. Set the hook: When you feel a bite, quickly and firmly set the hook by pulling the rod back.
  7. Reel in the fish: Keep the rod tip up and reel in the line, being careful not to let the fish get too close to the shore or any structure that could cause it to break the line.
  8. Release the fish: If you're not planning to keep the fish for eating, gently remove the hook and release the fish back into the water.

Remember to follow fishing regulations and to always practice catch and release to ensure the health and sustainability of fish populations.

What bait do i use to catch a Bass fish?

The type of bait you use to catch bass can depend on various factors, such as the time of year, the water conditions, and the type of bass you're targeting. Here are some popular baits used to catch bass:

  1. Live bait: Minnows, worms, crayfish, and frogs are all effective live baits for catching bass.
  2. Artificial lures: Artificial lures, such as crankbaits, spinnerbaits, and topwater plugs, can be effective for catching bass and are a good option for anglers who prefer not to use live bait.
  3. Soft plastics: Soft plastic worms, lizards, and grubs can be fished on the bottom or near structuress to imitate the movements of live bait.
  4. Jigs: Jigs can be tipped with a soft plastic or live bait, and are often used for fishing near the bottom or around structures.

It's important to remember that bass can be finicky and their preferences can change throughout the year, so it's a good idea to try different baits and techniques to find what works best. Experimenting with different colours, scents, and retrieve speeds can also help you find the right combination to catch more fish.

How To Fillet A Bass

On all our fishing and deep-sea fishing charters in Sydney, all you need to bring are the right clothes depending on the weather conditions. We will supply everything else including bait, fishing rods and reels and fishing licence. At the end of our fishing trip, you get to keep what you catch.  We have 3 purpose build fishing vessels that have all the facilities and amenities you require. We run afternoon and morning deep-sea fishing charters run all year.